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Healthy Eats

During my fitness journey, one of the main obstacles I’ve faced is in the kitchen. Sure, it takes discipline to get a solid workout in for 45 minutes to an hour for five days a week, but that’s easy compared to how difficult it can be to make sure you’re eating healthy. I think one of the most untrue, absurd things I’ve heard someone say is “You can eat whatever you want because you work out!” Y’all, that is so not the case. Not if you want to achieve certain aesthetic goals, which I realize not everyone does. But I digress. That’s the train of thought I had when I was in high school and running cross country/track, but that’s definitely not the case anymore. At that time, “getting fit” wasn’t really what I was worried about, and I had a teenager’s metabolism on my side. However, my goals and body have both since changed and eating healthy is very important to me. It not only helps me achieve my goals aesthetically, but it also keeps me healthy.

For those of you who struggle to maintain a relatively healthy diet, here are a few of my go-to’s and tips as far as snacks go! I typically try to just eat intuitively rather than stick to strict diet plan; so far, it’s worked well! Restricting myself only leads to bingeing, which kind of defeats the whole purpose. So here we go!

  1. Cottage cheese & fruit. Cottage cheese has a decent amount of protein per serving, so it’s a great choice if you’re looking for something filling but light. The fruit adds some sweetness, which I always enjoy.
  2. Greek yogurt & fruit or granola. I’ve read that granola is a “fake” healthy food, but I feel like it’s still healthier than a sleeve of Oreos, so I’ll take it. The Greek yogurt also has a good amount of protein and can be the perfect after-workout snack.
  3. Pita chips & hummus. My favorite hummus is roasted red pepper hummus. Although it has a nice little bit of protein per serving that’s a definite plus, it makes me bloat. Just a warning.
  4. Chips & salsa. This is especially good if you have an organic or homemade salsa that has less sodium and/or preservatives in it, but either way is fine (in my opinion. I mean, it’s still low calorie & low carb). I personally just eat whatever Mom buys, which is usually just Tostitos or the store brand.
  5. A turkey & cheese sandwich. I also replace the turkey with chicken. Typically, I try to get the “natural” sandwich meat, meaning it has no artificial colors, preservatives, etc. The macro count is usually really good. Plus, with meat like chicken or turkey, you can get the protein without all the carbs. I’ve been cutting back on carbs (not cutting entirely out), so this was fantastic. I use Nature’s Own Honey Wheat bread, which adds the perfect amount of sweetness to the bread. For the cheese, I use the Kroger (a grocery store, for those not familiar) brand cheese slices. I’m sure there are better choices with better macros, but it’s not going to break my diet if I have one slice of cheese here and there. This is also a pretty filling and quick option.
  6. Protein bars. I know these can have a lot of hidden sugars and carbs in them, but they’re perfect for when you’re on-the-go or after a workout and you don’t have a protein shake with you. I actually sometimes use them as a replacement (with a half a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt) for my protein shake. I haven’t found a protein powder I’m absolutely in love with, so it’s nice to switch it up occasionally. Now, I don’t get the chalky protein bars from the workout/health section in the store; I tend to opt for the Nature Valley dark chocolate and peanut protein bars that are on the aisle with the cereal bars. I’m sure the “actual” protein bars that are made specifically with the protein in mind have better macro counts, but whatever.
  7. Peanut butter & apples/bananas/crackers. Honestly, peanut butter is one of my favorite options to switch up the flavor of foods and provide more protein and a more filling feeling post-snack. I adore PB and bananas; it’s such a delicious, filling snack. 10/10 would recommend.
  8. Avocado toast with sriracha. To me, avocados have a weird texture and taste just by themselves. I love eating them on a salad or sandwich with other yummy veggies and toppings, but just by themselves is not my favorite. So what I do is put the smashed avocado on a piece of toast and drizzle it with sriracha…and voila! You still get the underlying taste of avocado, but it’s enhanced by the sriracha. I know avocados have a lot of fat in them, but it’s the good fat. My brother warned me about the high calorie/fat count, but as long as I’m remaining active and not eating them for every single meal, I’ve had no problem with them.

Of course, I don’t always have access or the desire to eat any of these suggestions. In that case, I eat whatever is available or what I want and stick to the serving size. Or, if the serving size is large with ridiculous macros, I’ll split it. For example, I got lemon Oreos the other day (I’m obsessed with anything lemon and these were to die for). Even though I wanted to eat an entire sleeve at one time, I refrained and stuck to just two, which is the serving size. It kept me from the bingeing that would have happened had I tried to keep myself from eating them entirely, and it kept me satisfied.

I do try to steer clear of too much red meat, sugar, preservatives, etc. All of this is relatively easy for me because I feel sluggish and uncomfortable after consuming too much of any of the aforementioned things. Now, that doesn’t mean I cut all of these things out entirely; rather, I eat each in moderation.

Really, it’s all about your goals and what you want. Sure, opting for the healthiest option majority of the time will definitely help you in the long run with your health goals. But the occasional non-healthy snack isn’t going to make or break you. Like I said before, intuitive eating is the best method that I’ve found that actually works for me. Just listen to your body and choose what works best for you! Good luck and have a fantastic weekend!

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